Zechariah | A Promise of Peace Week 2 - Live Service

Did you know that Jesus wasn’t the only miracle baby in the Christmas story? Today we’re going to tell the story of Zechariah and Elizabeth—a couple who were too old and barren to have a kid, at least until God showed up and did something incredible. Join us as Brian tells the story of how God’s goodness showed up in the least likely of places.

Weekend Follow-Up Questions:

1) What’s a gift you waited a long time for and how did you feel when you received it?

2) Often, discontent can rob us of peace. What part of your life do you not like right now? Share where you need more peace in that space.

3) Brian shared a story about finding peace by sitting in the presence of God and believing His promises even after his house burned down and he lost everything. How do you feel you can find peace regardless of your circumstances (or have already found it)?

4) Read John 14:23. In what part of your life can you be counter-culturally obedient to God this week, and find supernatural peace?

5) Now close your time in prayer. Here’s an example: “Lord, thank you so much for providing peace that surpasses all understanding. Please give us the faith to receive your peace, to not allow our circumstances to steal it from us. We know you are good, remind us. Amen.”

More from the weekend:

Read John 1:14. At Crossroads we’re about the power of God who transforms lives. Everyday we’re getting outside ourselves trying to make a difference in the world. One way we do this is partnering with organizations who literally are changing the world everyday. If you want to jump in and start giving risk free, you can try the 90 day tithe test here.

Dec 6, 2021

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