The Bible Challenge | Faithful in a Faithless World Week 1 - Live Service

New year, new me…or at least that’s what we say every year. We make resolutions, we make plans, and all too often nothing really changes. Yet God promises something better—but how do we get it? Join us as Brian talks about the pathway to a different life in 2022.

Process, journal or discuss the themes of this article - here's a few questions to get the ball rolling...

Welcome to the Weekend Follow-Up.

  1. What’s your most interesting New Year’s resolution this year (or, if you’re not a resolution-making sorta person, what would it be if you were)?

  2. Read Revelation 2:1-3. Here, Jesus (he’s the guy with the 7 stars in his right hand) acknowledges those in Ephesus who are “enduring patiently” underneath the influence of “those who are evil.” How do you overcome difficulties and struggles in your own life?

  3. Read Revelation 2:4. While God admires the faithful in Ephesus’ perseverance, He rebukes them for losing the “love they had at first.” In other words, they had lost their desire for Him. Have you lost joy in an area of your life (or faith) recently? Does something that used to be fulfilling feel more like a duty or an obligation now? If so, share it with the group.

  4. Read Revelation 2:5. To conclude, Jesus calls the faithful to reclaim the love for Him that they have lost in the middle of life’s struggles. What action can you take this week in your faith journey to discover or rediscover a love and desire for Jesus?

  5. Now close your time in prayer. Here’s an example: “Lord, thank you for knowing us and loving us. We ask that you give us the strength and the wisdom and the security in your love for us to tune out the naysayers in the world around us. Help us remember what it was like when we first met you, help us reignite the excitement and the desire we have for you. Amen.

More from the Weekend

Kick off the New Year with a daily habit of reading scripture, praying for others, and practicing gratitude. Start now in the Crossroads App.

Want a deeper dive on the book of Revelations? Click here.

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(This stuff helps us figure out how many fruitcakes to make come December)

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Got it! Enjoy your discussion.

Jan 2, 2022

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