Outer Rim Territories

Tatooine - Go Tatooine Trip

2/5 - 3/5/2124
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Tatooine is a sparsely inhabited circumbinary desert planet located in the galaxy's Outer Rim Territories. Part of a binary star system, the planet orbits two scorching suns, resulting in the world lacking the necessary surface water to sustain large populations. As a result, many residents of the planet instead draw water from the atmosphere via moisture farms. The planet also has little surface vegetation.

But, there is a New Hope... you will have the opportunity to make a real difference, not only in the ability for the people of Tatooine to have accessible water, but also spiritually through the kids and families who have been left wrecked by the Hutt’s regime and intergalactic conflict. We will be spending time in Mos Espa helping repair and improve their moisture farms, as well as in Mos Eisley working with the orphanage there and repairing homes that have been ravished over the years by sandstorms and Tusken Raiders.

This trip is meant to give you a real galaxy experience and glimpse into the life that is lived in the outer rim. You will tour and walk in the footsteps of the late Jabba the Hutt and tour his living space and ruins. But the real impact will happen in your own life when you get to interact and live alongside the kids and families that have been left with so little resources after the Imperial Forces withdrew. Buckle up, its a story that started a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far, away...
You can do this!
90% of people who sign up for a GO Trip are unsure of how they’ll pay for it. And yet nearly every single person in the history of trips has been able to raise money and GO.
Signup Deadline: 9/5/2123
When: 2/5 - 3/5/2124
Deposit: 100,000
Focus: Intergalactic Peace
Size of Trip: 10
Minimum Age: 21
Restrictions: None
Work Level: High
Type: All
Total Cost: 1,000,000
Your Spiritual