Senior Getaway FAQS

Registration FAQ:

  • What is a Getaway?
    A Getaway is an event, but slightly different from a Crossroads Camp (although in the same family). It is an event that is planned for overnight, as well as day participation. It is meant to build community, provide opportunities to grow in relationship with God while engaging in solitude, teaching, worship and prayer. It is an adventure but with a little less physical challenge and a bed with a private bathroom.

  • How do I register for Senior Getaway?
    When registration is open, you can register by using the "Register Now" button, or sign up for updates using the "Get Updates" button.

  • How can I participate?
    Day participants are asked to participate in all planned activities both days. Overnight accommodations are available at Higher Ground Lodge (rooms have either two queens or two doubles) or the Hotel in Harrison (rooms have two double beds or one King).

  • Is there an age requirement for the Senior Getaway?
    Seniors are defined as those age 60+ or one member of a spouse.

  • How much does registration for Senior Getaway cost?
    There are different prices based on your sleeping arrangements. There is a day rate and overnight rate.

  • Can I have my own room?
    There are limited single rooms. We recommend you share a room with a friend or a spouse.

  • How do I make sure I am in a room with another participant?
    During the registration process, there is a place to enter the name of the person you will be sharing a room. And also the ability to create group. Share the name of your group and password. Based on your registration type, there might be multiple names to enter.

  • What if we don’t know anybody?
    Totally fine. There are going to be plenty of new folks to meet.

  • What if I want to share a room with someone else but don’t know who?
    Email to see if there are any other Men or Women looking for a similar request.

  • Can I gift a registration?
    Absolutely, this can be done during registration. First select the type you are gifting. On the next page is the “Send as Gift” button at the top. Enter email address and continue to pay. You think you are done. WRONG. The person hasn’t been contacted. There is one more step. Once you receive your confirmation email you will need to complete follow the instructions (incomplete). This will include writing a personalized note to be sent with their registration. Follow up with them to make sure they received it and registered

  • I have a service dog that I need to bring to camp. Is that okay?
    Please email before you register for camp. We would love to speak with you and make sure that camp is the right experience for you.

  • I have a health or physical issue. Who can I talk to?
    Email We’ll do everything we can to make

  • Can I get a refund after registration?
    Nope. All purchases are final and non-transferable. We know things come up and that can be a bummer, but we can’t refund anyone’s ticket purchase.

  • If I am not able to go can I give away or sell my registration?
    Nope, registration is also not transferable.

Event FAQ:

  • Where is this event held?
    This event is held off site at Higher Ground in Indiana.

  • What are Higher Ground Facilities like?
    Check out their website here for some overview of their facility.

  • Directions to Higher Ground:
    From Cincinnati

    • Take 1-74 west to Exit 169 in Indiana.
    • Turn left on Rt. 52, then a quick left on Rt. 46. (Note: road is open to Higher Ground.)
    • Drive 1-1/2 miles to Higher Ground (on the right).
    • Enter the grounds & turn right toward the Lodge up the hill...just follow the signs!

  • Where to park?
    Ample parking is available in front of the lodge.

  • Where to sign in?
    Upon arrival, everyone will sign in at the Grave's Life Center. Leave your bags in your car and walk along the paved pathway on the left side of the Lodge, up the hill, and continue to the Life Center. The Life Center is approximately 100 yards behind the Lodge. (For those who are unable to walk to the Center, you will be directed to drive back to the Life Center.)

  • Arrival time?
    3:00 PM on Tuesday, April 4, 2023.

  • Departure time?
    3:00 PM on Wednesday, April 5, 2023.

  • What if I don't go to Crossroads?
    No problem...we all need community. We are excited you are in for an adventure and desire to grow in your relationship with God.

  • What if I have to leave early?
    The event is designed for you to experience it all. It is 24 hours, you can do it!

  • Is there flexibility to come and go?
    There is a daytime option, but recommend you plan to be at Higher Ground on Saturday from 3:00 PM - 10:00 PM. And then be back on property by 8:00 AM for breakfast. This event is great programming but even more about community.

  • Other concerns?

    • Meals, snacks, coffee, tea, pop, and water are all provided.
    • Concerning COVID, we will follow all requirements of state and local authorities in Indiana as well as the rules of Higher Ground. Masks are not required.

  • What to bring and what not to bring?

    • No hair dryers are provided. Bring your own shampoo, body wash, etc., if desired. Bar soap only is provided.
    • Bag-type/folding chair for solitude and prayer time. Smartphone with camera (if you have one) for Tuesday activity.
    • Outdoor clothes (for warmth or rain) and good walking shoes for outdoors.

  • How to prepare for the teaching content?
    Bring your Bible or have the Bible app on your phone.

Have other questions not addressed above?
Email us at